Calibration Tools

Calibration Tools

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Digital bluetooth depth gauge for all systems

Digital bluetooth depth gauge for all systems

Product number     PSDDAPT-BTMI
OEM     Sotax

Determine basket and paddle height of Sotax instruments with greater ease and accuracy.

The Digital Depth Gauge System comes complete with:
  • Digital bluetooth gauge incl. Extensions and Measuring Tip
  • Depth Bracket (tool for stirrer height)
  • Gap gauge (needed to calibrate/set depth probe)
  • Hexagon wrenches

The new Digital Depth Gauge Assembly has been developed to offer greater accuracy and a digital read-out when calculating Basket and Paddle spacing from the bottom of the dissolution vessel as required by USP Chapter <711>, which states that:
"The distance between the inside bottom of the vessel and the (Basket or Paddle) is maintained at 25 +/- 2mm".

Use of digital electronic readings measuring from the bottom of the paddle or basket to the bottom of the dissolution vessel via a probe specifically designed to fit the contour of the vessel, allows paddle or basket placement to be determined within 0.01mm.

The PSDDAPT-ST digital depth gauge is made to fit Sotax instruments with smapling ports in the apparatus 1 & 2, meaning consistent and precise accuracy can be recorded in all dissolution vessels within your laboratory.

For the Andriod app: Click here

 For the IPhone app: Click here
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